Accountability Report

2022 - 2023 Report

Public Act 413 of 2004 amended the Revised School Code by adding section 620 (MCL 380.620), which requires each intermediate school district (ISD) to post certain information on its website by December 31 of each year beginning in 2006. The annual Accountability Report is another opportunity to communicate to the community how we utilize the resources provided to us.

A wide range of additional information can be found in the annual Budget and Transparency Reporting, required of Michigan ISDs. Click here to access uedbet官网ISD's Transparency Report.

General Information

(budget; pupils; employees; constituent districts, PSAs, nonpublic schools)
General Information 2022-2023

Travel Information

Travel Information 2022 - 2023

Contract Information

Contract Information 2022-2023

Contract Modification Information

Contract Modifications for 2022-2023

Salaries, Expense Accounts, and Supplemental Compensation

Salaries, Expense Accounts, and Supplemental Compensation Information 2022-2023

Fiber Optic, Cable Equipment, and Operating System Software Expenditures

Fiber Optic, Cable Equipment, and Operating System Software Expenditures 2022 - 2023

Public Relations, Polling, Lobbying and 法律服务 

Public Relations, Polling, Lobbying and 法律服务 2022-2023

IRS Tax Form 1099s in Excess of $25,000   


Certain ISD Expenditures

Certain ISD Expenditures for 2022-2023

Motor Vehicle Information

Motor Vehicle 2023-2024

Please follow this link to visit the MI School Data website:

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